Friday, December 12, 2014

spirit bonding revised

spirit bonding.
i had written about this before. so i decided to re-write about again.
there are many ways to bond with a spirit. and whatever instructions you may receive from a conjurer/seller is the best to follow. i myself add the burning of hair as an offering in the bonding ritual. others use blood.
well the truth is you follow what is best in your heart on how to do the ritual.
after the bonding. do not expect anything to happen. nor expect the spirit to make itself known to you at first. some of my spirits took  weeks before i experience anything. then there are others a few seconds like my succubus/ qarinah. above all else be patient with your spirit. and talk to them as they were there. no matter what happens. meditate as much as possible. which can be simple. just hold their vessel. and focus on your breathing. nothing else. and don't get discourage if you sense nothing. each spirit has their way of revealing themselves.