Saturday, January 18, 2014

Egyptian Magick in summary

Egyptian Magick.
I will not go into detail about Egyptian Magick. But i Will give a Brief Summary.
Egyptian Magick was maded known to the world in a brief mention in the Book of Exodus of the Hebrew Bible.
What it doesn't mention; at least not directly. Is that the Egyptians based their Magick
on Theistic Magick. That is they petition a god or goddess for a specific need.
And then cast their Spells. In many ways it is like Celtic Magick in which Druids of old would do the same.  However when a god and goddess blesses a Priest, Shaman.
They can work Magick without Petitions.
The Gods and Goddesses whom they petition are:
Osiris the god of the underworld. and guardian of Creation.
His sister Isis, Goddess of Life and Light, mistress of Magick, first Queen of the underworld. she is also the  first wife of Osiris.
Her twin sister is Nepthys she is the goddess of the night. and dark magick
Osiris is represented by the constellation of Orion.
Whereas Isis is represented by the Star Sirius in the Constellation of Canis Major.
Both goddesses in some ancient texts are represented by the phases of the Moon.
The full moon is Isis. the new moon is Nepthys.
Isis' son Horus is a master of Light Magick. and is at war with Set the brother of Osiris. Is the God of Darkness and the Desert. he represented by the body of human with the head of creature that is half jackal and half ibis.
There was a brief time when Set or Sutekh was seen as benevolent deity. but when the cult of Horus took over. He was maded as an evil entity.
However there  was a more evil Entity called Apothis. the serpent of darkness. and is at War with Ra.
The Greatest and well known Magick text of the Egyptians was the Papyrus of Ani. or the Egyptian book of the dead..