Saturday, January 18, 2014


iam not a dragon expert. however  the dragons that i have adopted have taught me this:
Dragons are elemental beings that existed long before the formation of our universe. Their realm was the first to come in existence. 
They were the models of all Reptilian life on Earth and in the Universe.
They serve the Divine as guardians of creation. And are primordial in nature.
When dragons came into our world. they adapted their forms to the nature of the elements.
there are earth dragons also called green dragons
there are air dragons
there are water dragons whom are divided between the ocean and lakes.
there are fire dragons.
there are white dragons whom live in the cold.
there are black dragons that guard gold. and anything and anyone if asked.
Dragons like all Entities including us humans have the ability to choose good and evil. and most are good.
Dragons have lifespans that are measure in Eons. However there are some that are immortal. such as the legendary Leviathan Theli a Jewish mystical/magickal dragon that exists in the universe. and serves as the Guardian of Time and Space.
Dragons have other Names: they are called Drakes, Dracos and Saraphs/Tannim
They feed on the Mana, Chi, Ki the lifeforce of the universe.
Their breeding Cycles vary. the younger ones breed periodically to the older ones occasionally.
When they form a bond to a human its for life. however this can last for enternity. and depending on your beliefs: could be in the next life or the next incarnation. and so forth.
Dragons exist in our world. but they exist in ethereal forms. And most of the time invisible. And at times they take other forms such as all reptiles, birds, fish, mammals including Humans.
In their realm they are physical sometimes huge magnificent beings.
this the extent of my knowledge.