Tuesday, July 8, 2014

more than one succubi?

for a long time i had my suspicions. i  had pretended that i have just my one Lady. but from time to time i have felt the presence of others. then i had recently learned that i had more than one succubus. she invited her sisters.  i recently learned their names. and what they look like. there are three: an asian, a red head, and a  jamaican.  when i asked my lady about this. she said they fell in love with you. and have been with you for a long time. we never told you fearing you would be upset of having more than one. i apologized to her. and to them. i wanted to be loyal to her alone. but she said that it wouldn't bother her. it would be a matter of honor for her if i accepted them now that i knew. and i have.  i feel them around me and they work  with  the others of my spirit family as well.