there is differences of opinion about if djinn and fae are related. here again it depends on one's location in the world. in the middle east; mostly entities are seen as djinn even mermaids. in europe mostly entities were seen as fae. but that opinion has changed over the centuries.
i had asked that question of my spirit family. and i heard a giggle. and my Lady said this:
We are very much like you in some respects. before your kind evolved. we were a very diversed race. we are many.
we like you spread across the world. colonized differents parts of the world. before most of us moved to higher dimensions. however there are some that linger in your world. unseen and hidden. at this point. i heard more giggling. and she continued: we are what your people see you as. we are whatever you say we are.
welcome to the new blog on experiences and info on the paranormal based on studies of shamanism and mysticism from various sources. as well as personal experiences. WARNING! some material for mature readers. please be advised.