Friday, May 17, 2013

who are the djinn?

who are the djinn?
the djinn are spirit beings said to be created  from smokeless fire  long before the creation of man.
according to islamic religious and mystical texts. this was  thousands of years before man.  and were created by Allah and Allat.
these beings were created as stewards of the earth and the universe.
and were divided by several groups.
these are the ghoul, afrit, the aamar,  the jann, the marid, the qarin, the shaytan.
the shaytan being the worst are refered to as the red djinns
and are the 'demons.' they hate the human race. although some are not evil. and don’t hate the human race.
the afrit or ifrit are  darker djinn who dwell in the desolate places of the world in hidden or invisible cities. not all ifrit are evil. some of them are my companions.
the ghoul are djinn who dwell in burial grounds and tombs. and feed of the life essences of a newly buried corpses. they are the shades of myth and legend. however like the ifrit;  not all are evil. and do help those in need.
the aamar  and the jann are  djinn that are interested in our world and us. they have inspire some of fairy lore. as well as nature spirits.
the marid are godlike or deify spirit beings. that inspire some of the myths and legends of the worlds. they are at war with the shaytans. and are helpful against evil.
the qarin are djinn who have relationships with humans. and are said to be the  incubi or succubi. and in some accounts are the incubi
and succubi. and are called qarinei and qarinahei
like us the djinn have the power to choose good or evil. and are good and evil.
mostly the evil ones are the shaytans lead by iblis who is said to refused to bow before adam and eve  at   their creation. because of  this  iblis and his djinn hate humanity.  and the good djinn are at war with him.
It is said in some legends that Lilith is the mother of all the djinn. And according to the Kabbalah  the spirits in their writings the parallel the djinn in islamic folkalore are : the Shedim, Shiddahim, Lilioth, Lilim, Seirim.
Their beliefs:
according to the quran (sura 72) some believe in Allah (God) or Allat (Goddess). some do not. some sources go far ar
to say that there are christian djinn, jewish djinn, muslim djinn. as well as pagan djinns  as well as satanic djinn.
as noted; like us they have free will and have the ability to choose between good and evil.
according to middle eastern folkalore they have human like form that can be either majestic and beautiful to something terrifying.
But they are master shape shifters. and can take any form they choose. and have abilities that are  far
beyond humanity which their psychic powers seem like magick to us. however this power is not
beyond us. its just we haven't learned it yet. and are limited by how we preceive the universes
however they  are like us:
besides having free will. they are born. grow old and die. their life span is measured in eons.
the youngest being the aamar the oldest being the marid. they have family units: a father, mother,
and a child. each family is part of a clan. each clan is ruled by a chieftan. each chieftan answers to o
prince or princess. that prince or princess answers to a king or queen. those kings and queens
they answer to a surpreme sultan or sultanna. like us they are divided into nations. and co exist with our world but also exist in their own plane of existence; their own dimensional plane. that we sometimes reach in dreams or shamanistic experiences.
djinn like us are divided between two sexes. but like us have their own deviants.
the males are called djinni. the females: djinneyehei
they eat. sometimes our food. but mostly they draw energy from the universe. but eating for them is a form of amusement and enjoyments
their cities exist partly in our world. but mostly in their world. and the entrance points are in the highest mountains. to hottest deserts, and other desolate places.
they like the fae have places on this world where they through like the wadi rum in Jordan or the cave of the djinn outside of Oman
please note :
what i write here is not a reflection of my beliefs. but what i've read about the djinn in several books such as the following:
the djinn and their hidden agenda by rosemary guiley and philip imbrogno
legend of the fire spirits by r. lebling
living with djinn by barbara drieskens.
my personal belief is that like us the djinn as well as the fae, succubi and incubi,  and other spirit beings are like us have the ability to choose good and evil. and those whom i have in my collection of spirit vessels are loving, kind, affectionate, are good natured.
i love them.