Wednesday, May 22, 2013

the ritual to summon a succubus. ( abbreviated version)

the following is  a summary of the  ritual  that i use to  bond with my succubus. it is a personal  ritual. and i cautioned anybody when using it. do not use blood.
  this succubus was with me for awhile. i only experienced her in a dream. i  browser the internet to research info on succubi. it was then i found the book sexual alchemy.
after i got the book and read it. i  decided to simplify the ritual.
in the book it mentioned using a sigil. so i created a sigil by using a rose kamea in the book.
with that i set up a small altar using a candle and the sigil.
since the ritual  was for a daughter of lilith. i opted using a kabbalistic based ritual.
i lit the candle. and said a evocation based on the name of the Hebrew God and Goddess. and the name of the queen and mother of the succubi : Lilith.
i address her as the daughter of the divine and a goddess.
after i close the ritual. and that night she came. in the form of the apparition of a woman.
sex was incredible. and she told me her name.
from that point on the relationship has been rewarding since she came into my life.
i learn that this ritual may work for some. some it may not.
for  those  who it may not work at first. i advise  you to be patient.
if you still have issues. please contact me. and i will try to help you.
if you encounter a negative spirit. please discontinue using the ritual.
there is a clearing ritual under the post: my experience with negative entities in this blog.
Word of Caution:
Please be certain that you want to do this.  the reason why  i asked if you want this. i  say  this not  just for the sake of the reader but the succubus as well.
most succubi come just for sex. others seek a relationship. please make sure you state your intentions during the ritual.
richard tanzer
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